AUSTRALIAN MOTOR CYCLE NEWS. Australia's most read bi-monthly magazine. One of my favourate and most recent articles. This 7 page feature story, written by ex assistant editor Oscar Kornyei, documents the key elements needed to ride around the world fast.
AUSTRALIAN MOTOR CYCLE NEWS. Written by the ubiquitous and talented Oscar Kornyei, a one page fact finding mission resulting in the discovery that I prefer staying at home instead of riding around the world - do you believe this?
MOTORRIDJER, the major Flemish magazine. Self written for Belgium's leading bike magazine in Walloonia it offers up six articles - over 36 pages - over as many magazine editions. This story documents my ride up and down the Americas on a Yamaha Super Tenere. Entitled "The Incredible Ride" it involved a journey from Prudhoe Bay in northern Alaska to the Tierra del Fuegan port of Ushuaia in a record time of 21 days and 8 hours. Due to a miscalculation in timing 300 miles form the finish line I didn't break Dick Fish's incumbant record of 21 days 4 hours, (losing it by 4 hours), so turned round and rode the return journey back in 24 days to create a double transit record of 46 days 6 hours.

Featuring "Incredible USA", a client trip which journeyed from coast to coast to coast USA and written by my friend Gary Inman. This story, presented to the Flemish magazine Motorridger is an example of work from possibly one of the finest writers and motoring journalist working within the motor cycle press today. This story was also serialised in MCN in the UK and in the USA.
MOTO PRESS - on the left, one of France's top bike magazines based in Paris. Superbly penned by veteran writer Didier Bourd, keenly associated with Touratech France down there in Orange, it helps France catch up with "L'HOMME PRESSE" - "The Busy Man." My old mate Roger always said "stay busy for as long as you can," never a truer word.
ROAD TRIP - and on the right, an absolutely charming Paris based magazine published and partly written by the young publisher Colin Audibert with photos by Fabrice Berry. The magazine presents a beautiful abstract view of world biking through the French perspective.
MOTORRAD Magazine.
The first motorcycle magazine published in Europe in 1903 has developed into the largest. From the redoubtable stable of magazines at Motor Press Stuttgard, published by Michael Pfeiffer with Marcus Biebrecker in charge of the travel section, this monster 8 page feature launched me in Germany with the record breaking "Incredible Ride."
8 pages
Germany's major and highly influential motorcycle magazine published a story about my Expedition Centre in mid-Wales. WO DAS ABSENTEUER ENTSTEHT "Where the Adventurer is Born", written by fellow German adventurer Andreas Hulsmann

TOUREN-FAHRER magazine, again but written again by Oscar Kornyei, this article is part of the syndicated feature he sent out to and was published by magazines in the UK, Germany, Australia and New Zealand

BIKE RIDER New Zealand. This is the island's biggest bike magazine and is a 7 page exposé of my life to date. Cool layout, words by Oscar Kornyei, photos by myself and Oscar.

ADVENTURE BIKE RIDER magazine. Perhaps thought of as the "new kid on the block" but has rapidly become the finest bi-monthly periodical in the UK. Superbly designed with excellent editorial, this publication has forsaken complacency to provide top stories which is what the adventure biker needs, and as I'm in it, it's a jolly good read!

"What I like about coverage in MCN is that they have a natural instinct for what makes a good story."
MCN. Perhaps by virtue of it being a weekly newspaper, it is reputedly the biggest selling motorcycle publication in the world. They have supported me since the early days. This article examines my first 40,000 miles on the then new 2010 Super Tenere
MCN serialised my twin volume autobiography, "Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man." As always, the attention to design detail is intuitive and spot-on.

Quotes from the book
"Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man" as serialised by MCN
Chapter 2
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
Chapter 3
There’s film by John Ford, a 1962 western called ‘The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance,’ you remember the line, “when the legend become fact, print the legend? That’s the trick.”
Chapter 5
I read somewhere about there being a note pinned to the wall behind someone’s desk which says, "wanting to meet an adventurer because you like the way he thinks is like wanting to meet a pig because you like bacon.”
Chapter 7
"The James Dean experience of ‘burn brightly, die young’ exemplified how a man who was not ordinary still found no meaning in his life. But it is the ordinary ones who have to carry on, pay the bills, hold together family life, get a decent haircut or make sense of a senseless situation."

MCN. I rode the XT660 everywhere - loved it. Rode it to Timbuktu and back. Such a super little simple single cyclinder thumper that never let me down. RIP XT660.

MCN. A great feature idea. Myself in the foreground looking more like a farmer than a world biker, but in fantastic company:
Sam Manicom back left next to Kevin Sanders, Chris Scott, Julia Sanders, Charlie Boorman and one or two people I sadly didn't know or have chance top meet. Four million miles between us?
MCN. Another great original set of two features from the redoubtable Gary Inman. My idea of "Incredible USA" to ride from Newark to San Francisco, down the Pacific Coast Road and then back again - coast to coast to coast - was a unique on riding in America. These articles spawned five client traverses of the US thereby bringing in enough finance to built the Expedition Centre, as shown in the now defunct TBC magainzine below.

MCN. Another set of two features from the redoubtable Gary Inman. My idea of "Incredible USA" to ride from Newark to San Francisco, down the Pacific Coast Road and then back again - coast to coast to coast - was a unique idea. These articles spawned five client
traverses of the US thereby bring-ing in enough finance to build the Expedition Centre, as shown in the now defunct TBC magazine below.