15th December

Lats riding day in India and that's good because I need a change. Immediate thoughts include the unbelievable amounts of traffic I have had to endure. Found some back roads which were a delight but also they were not free from quite a volume of movement. When a population of 1.4 billion people (one thousand four hundred million - 1.400,000,000) move, the ground rumbles beneath your feet.
Bit of Infomation
India is the most populous country in the world with one-sixth of the world's population. According to UN estimates, India overtook China in having the largest population in the world with a population of 1,425,775,850 at the end of April 2023 - 473.42 people per.km2 (2021 est.). In the UK it's 276.18.
Here's the bike, it survived. Quite simply there have been no breakdowns, no engine seizures or faults of any kind. In the tens of thousands of manual power band shifts I've given it, the e-cycle consul has not once been compromised. The electronics and mechanical accessories combined along with a sturdy frame must be given a 5 star rating. My review of the bike will happen soon but as an indicator and irrespective of Yamaha being my sponsor the bike has performed 100% faultlessly. Well, it's got me hal;f way around the world - what can you say about that?
100% Performance from Yamaha's Wabash e-cycle

I also want to thank Mitchells Motorcycles for supporting the India and Nepal section of my daily blogs. If you want to buy a Wabash from them, say I sent you over....(I'm not on commission!!)
And from left to right: all the lovely lads and lassies from Mitchells; Heather Mitchell holding the dog, hubby Kevin just behind.

I'm signing off for a couple of days as I transit from Kolkata to Bangkok, collect a battery from Yamaha parts near Suvarnabhumi International Airport after which I will continue north from Chang Rai then south across Thailand, Laos and Malaysia to Singapore.
Yamaha Parts Centre, Thailand
And this is where I'm going to collect my battery. Altogether really rather smart. Looking forward to Thailand, hopefully less traffic so might be able to be creative with the filming and just maybe have some quiet moments which I haven't had so far since leaving Europe. See you there, blogs start again probably in 2 or 3 days ...

Good luck with the transition Nick! Love the blogs and mini films...don't know how you cram it all in! Fantastic! Looking forward to the next chapter. 🌏🚴💨👍🏼
I love Thailand, thank you Nick for allowing us to sponsor your trip! It's been an interesting read! Looking forward to the next blog, regards Gordon from Mitchells.
Everyone from Mitchells wishes you a fantastic onwards journey!