If you haven't visited this page before, perhaps you'll spend a moment or two browsing through what we have to offer; do check out the BRAND NEW BLOG about my cycling around the world on Yamaha's Wabash electric bicycle - first ever attempt. And when I get back, you ride - e-cycle or motorbike with me at my Expedition Centre where you can enjoy beautifully home cooked food prepared by my wife at my home in her professional kitchen. Maybe checkout our small but extraordinary music and motorbike festival MACH 23, details below.
Nick Sanders Expedition Centre
In 2023, there will only be 3 weekends
to ride with Nick
May 11th 14th
June 29th - July 2nd
July 20th - 23rd
email: Caroline
07747 777455
(we can also do bespoke gatherings for up to 13 people)